WFC Guinness World Records


World Fitness Championships
We at the WFC have been fortunate to literally to get a world of press, from 6 different continents and
hundreds of different countries, making our sport and our records knowledge worldwide. See Press Page

The WFC, also known as "The Ultimate Extreme Sport", is a sport in which anyone from anywhere can train properly for 3 months, complete the events, and fully recover from in 3 days.

The WFC is ''The Great Equalizer'', boasting applicants from the worlds of Triathletes, Adventure Racers, Ultimate Fighters, Elite Military, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, Doctors, Lawyers, Factory Workers, Teachers, Coaches, Personal Trainers and Clerks.
Anyone, anywhere in the world is invited to challenge themselves and compete.
Once you complete the WFC, you will achieve a level of ''Greatness'' that will stay with you for a life time.
E-mail: Rob Powell for more information.
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